Enter Sivan

It is 45 days of the Omer, and the Rosh Chodesh Sivan – the first day of Sivan, the third month of G-d’s calendar. The nights have been dark as the light of the moon was diminished. Some have been able to see it now. Yet before long its light will grow stronger so all may see it.
The sages teach that the sun represents G-d and the moon represents His people Israel. The moon has no light or glory of its own. It can only reflect the glory of the sun. So too Israel, in and of itself, is not mighty, beautiful or in anyway worthy of its blessings. Yet, she was chosen to reflect G-d’s light, His truth, His will to the Gentiles – the nations.
Our Messiah was the ultimate Jew, the reason for Abraham’s selection, the focal point of history. He perfectly displayed and taught the Father’s way, truth and life. Yet, not all have confessed, not all have bowed, not all believe.
Each Rosh Chodesh I am struck by the parallels. The most significant being, what would seem like, a long period of darkness which is being threatened by the Light. For so long believers have despised G-d’s chosen people, but there seems like there is an awakening in the body of Messiah, that the Jewish people are G-d’s people. It is Israel whom G-d demands that we be grafted to (Romans 9-11). The realization that the beautiful and sweet Torah has not been annulled, but in contrast stands firm forever.
The first sliver of the moon can be seen now, and perhaps you are the first light of truth in the darkness around you.

Rosh Chodesh is a wonderful marker in time. An opportunity to return our focus upon our incredible G-d and His Mashiach.
Don’t forget to included the Rosh Chodesh blessings during your morning prayers…it only comes once a month!


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